2ヶ月ぶりの晴れ日 | サンチャゴデコンポステーラ

Category : SPAIN, TRAVEL | OVER SEAS by kojima

Thursday March 6th, 2014

Santiago de Compostela is a small town well known for Camino. Camino is a pilgrimage in Spanish. Santiago de Compostela is the goal of pilgrim path. Santiago is in Galicia area it rains a lot during a winter. It’s not only the winter it rains a lot except summer. Because of lots of rain, in Galicia area, greens are super beautiful !! ( I had misunderstood if rains lot, it’s dark, so less greens I could see. but it’s wrong.) We stayed 2 night at Satiago de Compostela and I heard it had been rain for 2 month, but we are lucky to get blue sky at last day. And it must be so nice for pilgrims after walking long way(sometimes they even get snow in a middle of pilgrim.) God bless! Anyway I love the color of Galician green. Grasses,moss,lichen covered the ground, tree, building. So many variety of green and it looks vivid.