
Category : その他 by takeshi


mainly 3 routes from the train station. blue , green or red. I prefer blue personally. access2 +most simple green route+ Once you passed the ticket gate of Sayamashi Station, turn right and you will go to West exit. Then if you have a appointment of pick up, you take a second elevator to the ground floor. We can meet there. If you come by yourself, please take the escalator on the right to get the ground floor. And you will see the stairs going down on the other side of rotary. go down the pedestrian street. proceed and walk down a street looking the city library on your right side. At the end of the sloping, turn left at the traffic light. walk toward the next traffic light. go straight. When you see the 7-11 convenience store, the grey 7 story building just next to is my Sayama flat. 6th floor, room 601. +Bus+ Once you passed the ticket gate of Sayamashi Station, turn right and you will go to West exit. And you will see the rotary with some bus stops. go to no.3 bus stop. Then take the bus No.27 it costs ¥100. pay after. and get off at second stop(honmachi-nichoume). You will see a 7-11 convenience store, the grey building just next to is my Sayama flat. 6th floor, room 601.