Category : COOKING by takeshi
Saturday November 2nd, 2013

Coffee mill mortar casting .
You are using a few years , but when I clean by decomposing recent adjustment does not work well , powder debris and hard fine coffee had accumulated attached .
Powder wonder no problem can accumulate , but debris is not good .
It is easy to crush brittle and some to say deep coffee , there seems to be sticky and hard and it ‘s shallow roasting .
Which are then finely ground to espresso .
By the way, wash with detergent and espresso maker is and that you should not , and there may even be washed with water is also disliked .
Fragrance is that there will be better manufacturers continued to use every day do not wash . I think I would do such things hates the smell like chlorine .
I have been washing in water quickly .
Internal admire have combined that parts of the casting is good .
Since say actually this , I owe much from a friend , but that he ‘s good I’m using as it is also offered to or attempts to return a few times , you are asked to let me use a few years already . In addition, I ‘ll ask this time .
It ‘s a good product .
The grind by hand is time -consuming , and some power in the case of roasted shallow , but it’s a process that does not take off as well act of grind is now the brew the case of coffee I is a ritual . If you grind rather rough (as of drip ) , taste of the contents of beans and Juwa~tsu is low, but it is to the taste that was refreshing . This person is facing when you use the beans a lot of complex flavor .