
Category : DIARY, その他 by takeshi

Sunday May 28th, 2017

In December we adopted a rescued dog. We call him Sati and living together. We take a walk After Yoga Asana in the morning for an hour. I had dreamed of this, but it was difficult to take a step for a long time… _1070141 _1070154 IMG_20170430_140238 He can ride the bike. _1070230-2 あいぽんの実家のニコラと。吠える癖も治りました。 IMG_20170528_085033 朝の稲荷山公園にて o0480060413758857305 When he was rescued at Tama Animal center, Tokyo. At that time he was considered as 3-4 years old. Diagnosed as malnutrition by blood test.